Our certification program

Are you conducting leadership development programs or facilitating learning activities for leaders?

If so, becoming a certified facilitator in Workz’ leadership simulations might be something for you!

Workz leadership simulations provide a safe training and learning space for leaders and talents to practice leadership and learn from the simulation and each other.

As a certified facilitator, you can ensure high engagement in your learning activities and reinforce learning outcomes through embedded learning and reflective thinking.

A certification course is a two-day training course for a limited number of participants where you get a thorough and hands-on introduction to the simulation, the theories and models behind, introduction to a variety of use-cases, and you’ll be working with program-design and facilitator techniques.

Typical certification flow
Typical certification flow

Workz leadership simulations addresses a variety of topics within leadership and change. You can read more about the leadership simulations here.

You can find a list of our up-coming certification courses and other events on the frontpage.